Priority areas for action
In practical terms, the QRA supports and delivers geoconservation action and shares best practice through field meetings, conferences, outreach and publications, and through the work of its members and the Conservation Officer.
Priority areas for action are:
- site conservation, including contributions to maintaining and updating the GCR and ESCR, providing the evidence base for marine geoconservation, advising the conservation agencies on site management and supporting the conservation case when sites are threatened;
- developing the geoconservation agenda and engaging with new conservation priorities, such as ecosystem services and trends, marine conservation, developing the wider relevance of geoconservation to society and improving understanding of the links between geodiversity and biodiversity as part of a more holistic approach to nature conservation and environmental management; and
- interpretation, outreach and influencing policy, including engaging more with Geoparks and local geoconservation groups, providing evidence-based responses to Government consultations on planning, policy and environmental issues where there are Quaternary issues, and supporting international developments in geoconservation.
For further information, see:
Brown, E.J., Gordon, J.E., Burek, C.V., Campbell, S. & Bridgland, D.R. (2014). Geoconservation and the Quaternary Research Association. In: Catt, J.A. & Candy, I. (eds), The History of the Quaternary Research Association. Quaternary Research Association, London, 405-431.