The QRA sponsors Research Groups for periods of up to three years to fund activities of sub-disciplines within Quaternary Science. Funds are largely to assist setting up of networks of researchers and for funding of meetings and workshops. Groups that have received financial support are listed below.
Peatland Ecosystem and Time (PEaT)
The main aim of the PEaT research group is to draw together scientists from the UK and beyond who are actively researching peatland ecosystems.
Quaternary Engineering Research Group (QERG)
This research group is intended to foster greater collaboration between industry, academia and government organisations. Industry has access to a wealth of practical experience on the engineering properties of Quaternary sediments, knowledge of outcrops available for study, access to ground investigation data and core material and can provide benefit-in-kind support to research funding applications.
Virtual Palaeoscience (VIPs)
VIPs aims to create a shared archive of virtual palaeoenvironmental teaching resources to support the teaching of environmental change science leading to improvements in environmental change teaching, accessibility of teaching and outreach.
Sea Level and Coastal Change (SLaCC)
The main aim of the SLaCC research group is to draw together scientists from the UK and NW Europe that are actively researching sea-level and coastal changes and the impact of sea-level change on the coastal environment, in the past, present and future.
Glacial Landsystems Working Group (GLWG)
GLWG is an informal working group which aims to act as a catalyst for research on palaeoglaciological reconstructions, focusing specifically on landform/sediment associations and their application to glaciated landscapes.
Past Research Groups
Details research groups that have previously been supported by the QRA.
Propose a new research group
We are always happy to receive proposals on new topics. If you have an idea for a new QRA research group, please get in touch.