About the reward
Award: complimentary 1-year QRA membership
The Journal of Quaternary Science presents an annual award to recognise the outstanding work of an Early Career Researcher (ECR). To be eligible for this award, a paper must be first-authored by an ECR who completed their PhD no more than 7 years ago, taking into account any career interruptions.
The shortlisting process for eligible papers is carried out by the Journal’s four editors. The final selection of the winning paper is made by a sub-committee of the QRA Executive Committee.
The winning paper will be made freely available to read for a period of 12 months, or it will remain accessible if it is already open access. In addition, the author will receive a complimentary QRA membership for the year.
Previous winners
Sean Field (University of Wyoming) “Climate and Community in Central Mesa Verde”
Lucy Blennerhassett (Trinity College Dublin) “Tephra detection without pre-separation in ashed peat”.
Aditi. K. Dave (PhD, University of Mainz; now Postdoctoral Researcher) “The patchwork loess of Central Asia: Implications for interpreting aeolian dynamics and past climate circulation in piedmont regions”
Samuel Hudson (Southampton University) “Lateglacial and Early Holocene palaeoenvironmental change and human activity at Killerby Quarry, North Yorkshire, UK”
Neil Adams (PhD student, University of Leicester; now Curator of Fossil Mammals, Natural History Museum, London) “An Early Pleistocene hippopotamus from Westbury Cave, Somerset, England: support for a previously unrecognised temperate interval in the British Quaternary record”.
Charlotte Honiat, “Early Last Interglacial environmental changes recorded by speleothems from Katerloch (southeast Austria)”
William Daniels,” Archaeal lipids reveal climate-driven changes in microbial ecology at Lake El’gygytgyn (Far East Russia) during the Plio-Pleistocene”
Interested in submitting a paper?
ECR candidates can submit their paper entry for the prize through JQS’s submission platform on their website.